Tag Archives: puppy

Tips for Easy House Breaking Your Puppy

If you are lucky enough to get a 7-week-old puppy, there is no excuse for any bad habits to develop over his lifetime. Puppies learn INSTANTLY when they are that young, and if you use the proper training methods, gentle but consistent, he will behave like an angel his whole life through. The most important training, of course, is housebreaking. Boys are easier than girls because exploring outside is their favorite thing. They just cannot get enough of all the new smells out there! The main key […]

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Puppy Training – Good Doggie

Puppies are cute cuddly and so full of life throughout the infancy stage. It is at this time when puppy training is vital – because believe it or not these cute cuddly little characters can cause so much havoc in the home – with their outbursts of action packed antics all brought on by excitement. Fun it may be at the time but when you waken to find the remains of a chewed slipper scratch marks on the furniture and puppy poo to mark the pup`s presence […]

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How to Housebreak Your Puppy

So you gave yourself the gift of a new puppy or someone else gave it to you. Unfortunately, this little bundle of joy doesn’t understand the specific places designated for going to the bathroom. So what do you do? How do you housebreak your new pet? Housebreaking really isn’t all that difficult. As with all, dog training it will take consistency and patience but the hardest part will actually be training you and the rest of your family. Before you start any training, you always want to […]

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Five Mistakes New Puppy Owners Make

You’ve researched the different dog breeds to find the best one for you and your family, you’ve taken the time to find out whether the breeder you chose is ethical, and now you’re finally bringing that precious new bundle of joy home. The hard part is over, right? Actually, there are several mistakes that many new puppy owners make that can really turn this joyful time into a frustrating and worrying experience. Avoid these new dog owner mistakes to be sure you and your puppy are off […]

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Easy Tips for House Breaking Your Puppy

If you are lucky enough to get a 7-week-old puppy, there is no excuse for any bad habits to develop over his lifetime. Puppies learn INSTANTLY when they are that young, and if you use the proper training methods, gentle but consistent, he will behave like an angel his whole life through. The most important training, of course, is housebreaking. Boys are easier than girls because exploring outside is their favorite thing. They just cannot get enough of all the new smells out there! The main key […]

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Potty Train Your Puppy

Puppy potty training can be a difficult and frustrating experience. The process will require patience and consistent discipline to properly train your puppy. Puppies should begin potty training as soon as they are brought home. Like children, puppies usually need to go potty when they wake up, after they eat, and after they play. If one of these events is about to take place, immediately show the puppy outside. Your puppy may not catch on at first, so be patient in waiting for him to accomplish the […]

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